Sunday, October 11, 2009

Who are our heroes today?

It seems like today kids do not look up to their older brother and sisters or even look up to the world leaders who are changing the world. What happened to the good days when fire fighters, Doctors, and teachers were the people respected in the society. They were the people who made a difference and who even saved other peoples life. Now with the evolution of media and with it being a major part of our lives is the people who make the headlines of TMZ, Sports Center, and the person who has the number one song in the country the one who everyone idolizes and adores. Athletes are always on tv and have a great responsibilities on their shoulders, they not only have to play their sport but now because of all the exposure they have to behave and act in a proffesional manner. If not it does not only bring a bad image to them but it also affects the lives of the people watching including the kids who look up to them. Athletes are not bad role models, they are hard working people and have gone through alot to be where they are. Some don not realize the responsibility they have and abuse the money they make and set a bad image on them selves. Other athletes are not just off the court they are bad on the court. For example a situation a few years back when Indian Pacers Ron Artest and Stephen Jackson went into the stands and attacked several fans. They suspended for a few games, which was a small penalty to pay. The real sad part is the message and example they sent out to the kids who look up to them. It is also sad that they can just get away with it and just pay a small penalty. So why is it that we look up to people like this? Do we want our future generation to idolize people who break the law and who are violent?

to read more about this story visit this link :

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post. I was going to do a post about the same topic but never got around to finishing it. This reminds me a lot of steroids and how baseball's reputation has been hurt. Growing up, Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens were two of my favorite players. However after the news broke that they were using performance-enchancing drugs, I was in a bit of shock. The heroes I grew up worshipping most of my life had cheated their way to get to where they are today.
