Sunday, November 8, 2009

America's Number One Trusted News Anchor: JON STEWART!?

Is it sad when the number one news channel that average American's turn to in this time of instability is a Comedy Central professional comedian? Yes! According to a Times magazine on-line poll, ever since Walter Cronkite's unfortunate death, Jon Stewart is America's Most Trusted News Anchor. Jon Stewart, host of Comedy Central's Daily Show, uses his humor to foil
top stories and his humor to uncover the truth. Stewart often uses past video recordings of Fox, CNN, and other news anchors, compares them to there more recent broadcasts and blatantly exposes they're biased reporting. While it is inevitable for an anchor to have an unbiased opinion, Jon Stewart makes an effort to bring on affiliates of outside news channels, or ambassadors of countries, or even other comedians.

I personally believe, that when America chooses a comedian over people who are amazing anchors such as Anderson Cooper, Katie Couric and Brian Williams, things need to change. Jon Stewart is undoubtly funny, and can really connect to his audience whether they are young or old. Jon goes on record claiming that he is a mere comedian but if you have seen his show you notice that his humor is used on both sides of the political scale. The reason that Jon is able to pick apart new stories and comment on politicians is because he does not have to play by the same rules as other news anchors. Ratings, while an important part of keeping the show on air, do not play such an important role in the subject matter he address. Channels such ass CNN and Fox, give in to the will of the people in that they have to address subject matter pertaining to theyre core audiences and are in constant competitian with each other. Jon's show has a less structured format then most others, like his counter-part Colbert, anchor of Colbert Report and author of a political satire, these men can take the time to dissect the new's stories in a way that no other can. The Fact that his show is on late at night only adds to his advantage. Not having to rival popular shows, Jon does what he whats when he wants, and the audience loves it.
Jon is an anomaly, a rarity that we must take advantage of while we can. Can we trust him? Who knows. Should we watch him and enjoy his humor as he intended it to be? The answer to that, is yes.

"Hardly home but always reppin' "

Being away from home can be a tough experience as some of us freshman have come to realize. Specially those who come from other states and are miles away from their hometown and family. This can make it hard to focus on school and extracurricular activities. I have now been away from my family and friends for 5 months and i can not wait to go home. It is hard not being able to be around them but because of the technology advances we have today it makes you feel like you are alittle closer to home. Things like Skype, Ichat, and other forms of communications make it easy to converse with close ones. when times get hard these applications make it easy to talk to family and that way i get to express my feelings and relieve my stress. It's like they are in the room with a me even though they are thousands of miles away. We criticize technology but it is not always negative, if it is used responsibly it can benefit us.

Facebook Frenzy

So now that I am in college I have realized that time is of the essence. By saying this I mean that there is not enough time in the day to do all the things that you need to do. Take my situation for example, I have four classes, and soccer practice, and all the while, I have to be doing homework for other classes not in my schedule tomorrow. What I've noticed however, is no matter how much I try, no matter if I mute the radio, turn off the TV, and sit in the common room all alone, I cant seemed to focus. The bottom of my computer screen is always popping up and displaying new messages and notices that I have received on Facebook, and I cant seem to leave the red blinking notice box alone. Facebook has turned into an addiction, what with it being not just a computer activity, you can now check status, see pictures, and take all the "what kind of animal would you be" tests straight from your phone!

Even while I am writing this blog, my friend Devon visiting me from California is on Facebook...and boy do i envy him. Facebook to me is a way to keep in contact with friends you would otherwise not see all to often. Being from California, i have a lot of family and friends i feel the need to talk to on a regular basis. When used wisely Facebook can be a valuable asset in this world, where what really matters is who you know. But society has now turned what was once a good thing, into a menace. Stop and smell the roses? Most people don't take the time to look up from they're Iphone screens to even finish homework now-and-days.

The face book epidemic is inevitable, and eventually it will corrupt the mind of the youth, causing a decline in the working class. i suggest that there a proposed regulation of social networking to regulate the amount of things we expose our children to, or at least ask Miley Cyrus to delete her Facebook causing the sending the Facebook population into a downward spiral ending in the website shutting down.... again.